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I'm Developer from Moscow, Russia, living in Tel-Aviv
I create custom web applications and help businesses do online.



My name is David Ginzburg

I'm Frontend developer, I write JS, can make async functions, work with API and REST, layout responsive websites (using bootstrap like libraries or native), create apps using React. I know how to create SPA and SSR applications, best practices of applications architecture and the most important I learn new tools very fast.

At present I work at company that make payment solutions and has a lot of expertise at payment equipement and integrations.

My previous work experience was focused on managment, business processes automation, but also included participation in web development as Product owner.

Web development
I create modern websites, web apps, landing pages or else using contemporary tools like React, Next, or native HTML+CSS, it depends on the task
Apps development
One of my main goals for 2023 is to create several applications with NextJS13 new API
UI/UX Design
I can check the project and formalize what needs to be fixed to fit contemporary standards of UX/UI or develop modern interfaces using Figma and templates.


Work experience

  • Middle Forntend Developer | Senior Forntend Developer

    SPB Exchange | May 2022 - Current time
    Nowdays I work as a Senior Frontend developer at SPB Exchange, I work in a core frontend team, we maintain and create the most important apllications that company need. The main goal that my team succeed was to split monolith architecture of the projects, to micro-frontend, it took a year to finish but the result met all exspectations. Before the task was implemented we could barely support 3-4 projects, now its 8 at the same time, the load on the department has become less. Also my personal goals is to bring new tecnologies to our team, so after all the modern approaches was checked we decided to switch from NextJS version 12 to 13 with new App folder API and turbopack, it fasted rendering 30% and eased maintainance of admin routes.
  • Forntend Developer | Middle Frontend Developer

    Payment guide | April 2020 - April 2022
    I worked as a Frontend developer at Payment guide, I worked at main project, it's a portal, CRM and service desk system that helps customers maintaine its transactions and aquiring terminals, salesmans can control its leads and customers applications, and if some bad thing happens with equipement, engineer can have service ticket to solve. Product had sophisticated architecture and a lot of legacy code. Most of my tasks related to fix bugs and rewrite all parts of the project to modern approche. I also maintaine 2 payment projects, first one is a payment form for internet aquiring with all 3D Secure stuff included, second is a project that helps waiters have it tips via QR code on a table. Working with this project made me learn a lot of modern technologies: RTK Toolkit, React Query, AntD and some more.
  • Business automation and reglamentation

    Freelance | September 2019 - April 2020
    After I quit my career path I started to do freelance for business to help companies optimize, documentate and automate business processes.
  • Chief Operation Officer

    Pay-me (payment service) | June 2017 - February 2019
    By june 2017 Pay-me was a startup seeking for investors and my duty was to organize the company for make it real. So business processes was documented and optimized people were hired and the deal become real.
    After that happened I managed service, analyst and logistic units for a year.
  • Chief Operation Officer

    BTE (service for banking sector) | October 2015 - May 2017
    It was a huge project and my duties was to regulate and documentate all the business processes and manage the people.
    Also I was in the development team as product owner and developed UX/UI for a lot of modules for main IT product which was a service desk platform.
  • Analyst | Senior Analyst | Head of analysts

    PST company (service for banking sector) | August 2012 - October 2015
    My main work duties was to make company sure that all the supply warehouses have sufficient quantity of parts for ATMs, it took some time to create analytical model and consider all the factors eventually it was made successfully and automated. Also I had to automate some reports and processes of the company.



    Web developer | Online (2019-2023)
    Due my School 21 education I had to use a lot of additional sources, examine new stuff and decide who I want to be in the IT world for myself I chose Web development path and started learning on online platforms like FreeCodeCamp, Scrimba etc. If you need you can check my certificates and find educational projects in portfolio.

    What I learned:
    • HTML
    • CSS/SASS/Bootstrap/Tailwind/BEM
    • JavaScript
    • TypeScript
    • React
    • Next
    • Redux
    • React Query
    • AntD
    • Gulp
    • Tailwind
    • NextJS
  • School 21 (

    Software engineer | Moscow (2019-2020)
    When I decided to tie my life with IT I found this bootcamp on the internet and went through all the examinations trials (to get into the bootcamp you have to successfully finish 26-day examination!). It gave me huge contribution into my basis IT knowledge and comprehension.

    What I learned:
    • Computer science
    • C programming
    • GIT
    • Unix basis
  • Binary District

    Product owner | Moscow (2018)
    I was looking for professional courses to improve my skills in managing big projects, also managing IT products was important for me and after I read tons of comments and reviews I chose Binary District as an expert on the market.
  • RSSU

    Manager | Moscow (2005-2011)
    I finished RSSU in 2011 as state and municipal manager, also had my two months apprenticeship in Russian State Duma but since then didn't work in this profession. But I can admit that a lot from my higher education helped me through my career.



Russian Geeks landing page

Stack: HTML, CSS+Variables, SASS, BEM, Bootstrap, JS, JQuery

Product landing page

Stack: HTML, CSS, SASS, BEM, JS, JQuery

Netflix clone website

Stack: React, Styled-components, Firebase

Images stock shop

Stack: React, CSS+Variables

Airlines management portal

Stack: React, CSS, Atnd, RTK-Query

Computer science courses website

Stack: NextJS, CSS, Framer-motion, React-hook-form

Medium clone website

Stack: React, CSS, Redux

Ecommerce shop website

Stack: React, CSS, Redux



от 8000 руб.
Одностраничный сайт для презентации услуг/товаров/...


от 28000 руб.
Приложение внутри браузера для лучшего комфорта

Корпоративный сайт

от 20000 руб.
Сайт для вашего бизнеса или компании

Android/IOS Приложение

от 25000 руб.
Приложение для смартфона любой ОС


от 30000 руб.
Инструмент для ваших продаж в сети


Создам дизайн для вашего сайта/приложения...


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